RWE stands for Renaissance Woman Extraordinaire!
About 5 centuries ago men like Michelangelo (artist, poet, sculptor, architect) & Di Vinci (artist, architect, engineer, thinker, scientist, mathematician) had varying interests and yet have not been labeled as unable to commit to a career. Di Vinci began scores of projects & managed to only finish 6 works in 17 years. Of course 'The Last Supper' and 'The Virgin on the Rocks' were among those he completed, but think of all those he slacked on.
My point is that we have allowed a Japanese mindset to influence how we determine our worth. Check out this article from yesterday
I grew up during this heyday of work til you drop, dedicate yourself to a career and stick to it, company loyalty at any costs. But I could never really be that kind of person. I tried, especially when I was pursuing career. But deep inside I wanted to try it all, taste every flavor, dabble, maybe even do more than dabble. I wanted to be a Renaissance Woman.
So, one day I declared to myself that I was a Renaissance Woman Extraordinaire!
I put a seal on it & have never looked back.
The definition from is:
Renaissance woman
–noun (sometimes lowercase)
a woman who has acquired profound knowledge or proficiency in more than one field.
So go ahead ask me some of the fields I have gained knowledge or proficiency in.
Have a great day!
BTW today was cloudy & muggy.
This (RWE) is a great article and a great concept. And the article about the Japanese work-to-death ethic confirms my theory that in general, corporations can be evil and sap your life away without a second thought, when not governed by Christian principles. Unfortunately many of our American companies do the same thing to their employees as I have witnessed firsthand, pressuring people to work overtime for favor and promotions. I am so glad I no longer work for one of these companies. Pam (RWE) Goodwin
Thank you Pammy for sharing from your own perspective. I have personally known at least a dozen people who have finally retired after a heart attack or stroke. A little too late to enjoy all that life offers while still healthy. I think our work still defines who we are, men & women. Too sad. Was there ever a time in history that it didn't? Hmmm.
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