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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Blue Grass Country

This summer has been full of unexpected trips.
After camping at the Mollogon Rim for July 4th, then Verndale MN at the end of July, then Bob & I went to Escondido for the Labor Day weekend to pick up my vehicle...a Geo Tracker (yea Solana Beach-actually Cardiff Cliffs..hope I spelled that right...& the San Diego swap meet), & now to Kentucky. Yeah, that's right Kentucky. I have never had the privilege before. Probably because I would have insisted we move here. It is just gorgeous! The trees are just beginning to turn the most yummy colors. Soft buttery yellow, burnished golds, rusty reds, & glorious blazes of fiery ruby that scream for attention against a restful background of every hue of green there is. Another reason why green is my favorite color...there are so many to choose from & I do hate being limited in my important choices...haha.
Trees & plants of all sizes are perched upon ledges of shale that look so fragile, but yet have endured. We have only seen the tip of the Daniel Boone National Forest so is all I have been able to say. Imagining our surroundings; where battles took place, where trails were forged thru seemingly impenetrable forests, where pioneers staked a claim & fought to raise a family while surviving from the land...and succeeding. Amazing & humbling. How easy, in some aspects, we have it nowadays. It is easier to, water, & shelter is as close as a phone call away. Even the most destitute of us can ask for help. We no longer have to scratch out a meager living from the earth, if we choose, & basic medical care (even if expensive) is always nearby. We no longer have to protect ourselves against natural predators or hostile natives. And even the weather can be predicted close enough to anticipate the harm heading our way. Our country's pioneers knew there was tragedy when it was on their doorstep. Talk about a hardy lot...and determined to make it work. I am so proud to be a part of this admirable people...Americans.
Next, we will head for Chattanooga TN so we will head right between the Daniel Boone National Forest & the Appalachians. Woo hoo, here we come!
Trish...on a quest for more reasons to call herself RWE!

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