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Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Patriotism and Gratitude

Today is the 4th of July 2010.  This holiday began as my favorite many years ago for personal reasons that did not include our country.  Since then I have had almost 18 years to gain an appreciation in depth rather than just familiarity or childhood  influence for my country .  Songs of "America, My Country 'Tis of Thee", "The Stars and Stripes Forever", "America the Beautiful", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", "God Bless America",  "Its a Grand Old Flag", and "The Star Spangled Banner" resonate with sharpness and pride.  More than lyrics sung chorally amidst heavy auditorium woods darkened rich with age they are a shaft sunk to the marrow of my understanding.  Like a string of eclectic beads individually unique, of various hues and properties, proportions and shapes differing; we are united as one strand creating a glorious adornment that pleases the Wearer and in turn edifies the strand itself.
Read, listen, watch for the time is now to appreciate, understand, and act.  
Exercise your fragile American rights with care, diligence, and a trembling that surely motivated and solidified the actions of our Founding Fathers.
Celebrate the Independence still being hard-won and cherish the knowledge that we are 'One Nation Under God'.
God Bless America,

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