The question mark is for others, not me. I know that those items in combination or separately can justifiably be art. Can is the operative word for me.
Can any creative item be called art?
Good question, but too broad for me. Since I am not an expert but can offer an experiential opinion, then opine I will ( I know you love it when I opine).
What qualifies as art?
To my mind art stirs the spirit within. It has an aesthetic balance, even if it is jarring to the senses. It soothes my anxieties or shakes the internal tempest; either softly quieting in order to hear that still small voice or setting spurs that infuriate me to action or even the valley in between. The more I observe, the more I see. It stands the test of time, not just trendy or popular. The spirit of the artist behind the piece is evident.
(Side note-I find it very helpful to know the intent of the author behind a book I am to read.) Intention, agendas, slants, & influence are important to know for verbal exposition or the written word (even digital media).
Back to art:
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Actually I can testify to the veracity. I own a mixed-media canvas, titled Ethereal by Cory Legge... . I have found it captivating since I first noticed it. Bob doesn't see the attraction, but willingly purchased it for me. It has been prominently displayed for several months, I still see newness in differing lights. We can let others see what they may.
Is there a difference between art and craft?
Yes. Though I hesitate to draw the definitive line. Again, referring to personal experiences, a craft piece can become art, in my eyes, when it hits my triggers mentioned above. I have also experienced fine 'art' in museums and galleries that hit no triggers and sometimes even whipped-up disgust. Again, not in my eye were they considered art. Is it possibly an issue of consensus, i.e. a large body of critics choose to label a piece art? Personally, no. But to the general populace, yes it seems so. I have a few famous 'artists' in mind that fit that bill. I still shake my head over a few, BUT again not in my eye, remember?
When is the creator of a piece considered an Artist?
Tough one. Unless you have been endowed with fine art skills that wow the public, a working artist with a BFA, or have grabbed onto the title with bravado; you have tip-toed around this issue and quite possibly still are. I am not sure. Maybe when you move from a craft and/or technique to a mastery. Maybe when you are comfortable with the title and your work defends it. Maybe when your production volume supports the marketing label. Ok, I probably don't buy that one.
Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist, scientist, engineer, and inventor to name a few. Definitely accomplished, definitely earned, definitely a Renaissance Man. I like that title better, tho I have a lifetime to go... see definition below.
Are you an Artist when you are still exploring? Such as Van Gogh's entire art career. He wasn't even popular with his own family and friends. In death he is considered a artist?
Grandma Moses started painting at 76. Was she an artist then or when Caldor bought them? I have noticed that those drawing the Artist delineation want the label saved for their derivation. Yep I said it...their kind, their breed, their class. My working class perspective.
So go ahead and call yourself an Artist, just be able to prove yourself!
Is art important?
A very general question but valid. Wander the halls of any museum or gallery, local or far-flung to view the answer for yourself. Yes it is important. For the soul, for the current life you are living, and for historical purposes. Art has kept an interesting record of where we are as a people in culture, in time, and in our own individual or collective design.
So why ink, paper, and historical?
Well, for me I need ink (any form), paper (any type), and an historical effect to shape my personal art. Ink is subjective in form-it could be paint, paper is as well- the canvas could be metal, but the historical is most importante (Spanish intended) to me. It must contain meaning, passion, & personality from memories and experiences. It must carry a personal import.
That is all for now, this horrendous cold has clogged the cerebral flow.
Please post more questions...but only if you really want me to answer.
Please comment yea or nay.
Love ya,
Trishalish---Renaissance Woman Extraordinaire
** definition: Meaning #1: a modern scholar who is in a position to acquire more than superficial knowledge about many different interests. Synonym: Generalist.
P.S. Maybe next time I will list my many and varied accomplishments..hah. Actually they will be general areas of understanding. Toodles.
1 comment:
Sold my 1st painting on Friday the 14th, "Woosh". Does that make me an artist now?
Just sayin'...
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