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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sex and old(er) age

Next month is my 46th birthday.  I do not have an issue with announcing my age to everyone.  It is Googlable (is that a word?) anyways and I earned everyone one of those years!
My birthday has made me think of sex.  Or the near extinction of it as we progress toward the inevitable grave/nursing home (the same in my opinion).
Your formative years are filled with cautious tales of unwary virgins and the perils they have encountered.  As I love to yell out to my 17 yo as she heads to school, "Guard your carnal treasure!".  Some do until the "I do's" and some squander it on another young person who has no clue they have set the benchmark...for good or bad.
Then your adult life is spent either in pursuit of a likeminded partner, sometimes to your health's peril, or you hash out the tiny details with the one.  You know like how often, where at, what type, holiday and birthday exceptions, etc...
But (and this is a big t not 2--let's keep this PG folks) when we hit the middle years where we finally know all the parts and what we want/need the mind and heart are willing but the body not so much.  What the hay?  So not fair.
Now exercise is not just for health reasons but to save your sex life.  Dieting is for maneuverability not just for show.  We hit the highlights, not necessarily in passion, but because we may not last for the long haul.
"It's hard work...weekends and's hard work."  Quote intended ala GW Bush.
So, all this to say that sex is important...our existence depends upon it.  
Also, expect more health related blogs covering the whys and wherefores of a "healthy" sex life, ie he needs more testosterone, she needs progesterone, we need to take a mini vacate each quarter, etc...
Please share your own tips...just not the dirty details or I may have to retaliate with my own and scar my children for life.
Ciao for now,
-Trish has left the building

1 comment:

Trish said...

First I would like to address the male set in my research.
Apparently diet and exercise or its dearth decide the testosterone levels and drive for the male especially after 40. So here are a few links I found. One has natural remedies.
Oh and if you are not using Juice Plus please check it out. No, I do not sell it. Just a customer for years.
Here are the links:
Unscientific research data welcome.