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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The End is Near

The end of another year is approaching and instead of regrets and/or what-ifs I am content and also excited by the prospect of 2011.

2010 has seen me leaving a mega-stress job, closing my chapter with Stampin' Up!, becoming an economy/bad-decision statistic and losing my home, having landlords again for the 1st time in 17 years, a new grandson (Jaxon James on 10/20/10), my daughter Gina's family moving out of state (taking grandchildren away should be illegal), another daughter's family, Brittany, having to move in for a while, Vanessa and Brit finished school, Kim is in her Senior year and already accepted at 3 art schools, Bob is actively shopping for a local job, I revived my writing and art, I survived my 1st year of grieving for my Dad, I reconnected with several friends from my various high schools, lost 35 pounds, and made a quick trip to MN, TX, and CA.  I am sure there is much more .

I may take that learning curve in the granny lane but I have grasped a few things this year:
Instead of my censure, warnings, or well intended 'help' people just need me to love them.
Just when I think I know all there is to know about myself, God has just the cure for me.
Showers need to be scrubbed weekly to avoid a broken hip.
Making and sending cards are essential to a healthy mental life.
Someone out there does want to read my books.
Writing is work like any other job.
I will never look 18 again and I shouldn't want to.
Grandchildren are the greatest because if they turn out a mess it is finally NOT my fault.
Jesus loves who I am today and the Holy Spirit has not left the premises.
Finally...this is only my 2nd Stage.  Apparently the 3rd Stage starts at 50 and is AWESOME!  And most great people do their best work in the last for me!  It is not too late...hah.
We are having our New Year's Day Open house on 01/01/11 from noon to 10PM.  Come eat, chat, watch the games, and dance the night away!

Love to you all,
Trishy, per Pam Goodwin or Trish the Sis, per Jennifer Lee Capes or Mom, per everyone, or Woman, per Bob-at times, or Renaissance Woman Extraordinaire, per me...

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