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Monday, January 3, 2011

Goals...nasty or necessary?

My new quote for the week:  
The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them. —Jim Rohn
Love that.  I'm a little biased when it comes to goal setting.  I love knowing what is happening today, tomorrow, and beyond.  Or at least the rough draft.  Life interferes all of the time and I have allowed for a margin of change at all times, by  the way love that book "Margin"--changed my outlook drastically years ago.  Now there have been seasons where my plans have been altered or waylaid and there have been seasons where I can only set goals for today--kinda there now.  
But that doesn't change my deep-seated need to set goals, make an outline, write lists, etc...
I do love a new year, a new month, a new week; it gives me a clean slate to try again.
See!  There is that internal optimist that I never acknowledged in the past.  Goals give me hope!  Hope is good.  Hope makes me happy.  Hope gives me a reason to get out of bed, exercise, take a shower, make myself presentable, and willing to meet my day head on.  Hey I like day.  
So I did spend my New year's Eve day slogging my way thru a list of goals even while I suffered the last cold/flu of 2010.  It gave me something to hope for.  I felt in charge of my life again.
For years I have broken my list into categories.  Usually self, family, spiritual, financial, etc... This year I modified it to the most important right now, but am reviewing the process a little closer to allow for changes.  Also, Dave Ramsey recommended a book by Marcus Buckingham "Go Put Your Strengths to Work" and I noticed that he also wrote a book titled "Find Your Strongest Life" a book about what successful women do differently.  So I will be using my new Christmas B&N giftcard to download my 1st ebook onto my new Pandigital Novel...thank you Bob.  What a great husband!  He did  a lot of research to find the best ereader for me.  I do hope the content of this book will help me focus my goals where I wish to be headed.  When I am done I can 'loan' it to someone else with an ereader.  Towanda!!
One of my small goals was to make a card everyday and to mail them all thruout the year.  I have successfully finished one each day so far and hope to load pics of them to my website...helps to keep me accountable.
Yes, this blog title was misleading...of course goals are necessary--to me!!
Ciao for now,


Katie said...

Great post Trish! I am still mulling over my list and goals, but I did jot some general ideas down in a gorgeous diary I got half price at B&N. I have been thinking I really want an ereader, let me know how you like it. They sure would be convenient! But I could never give up the warmth of books completely. :) Would love to get together and catch up. Hugs.

Trish said...

Thanks Katie. Have been diligent over at least half of my list so far this year. I love B&N!
I am still learning how to use my "Novel" (what they call the Pandigital Novel) since there are so many features--Bob has to be an over achiever--but am happy about how it looks when reading. Only snag is since it is a touchscreen it can be a little slow even when using the stylus. I can even use it as a computer online with WiFi. I am still reading paper 1st love!
Yes, lets get together say when.