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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fear Identified

There are many variations in the realm of fear.
Healthy fear when in danger.
Inset fear from past experience(s).
Fear of the unknown/phobias, etc...
The area I am thinking of lately is a fear that is usually hidden from ourselves and yet can manifest itself as a control issue when we interact with those around us.

Here is an example:  the future well-being of your children and their ability to be a viable member of society hinges upon your skills as a parental influence.  The decisions you make in your life affect them as well.  As well as how and when you discipline, set boundaries and  show affection.  You have a set idea/plan/goal in mind.  Internally you stress over every possible scenario.  You obsess to the point of smothering your children or just give in to the pressure, release your hold, and let it all play-out.  Balance is an elusive ingredient.  Just when you think you have achieved a measure of it...poof!
But since your child has a will and agenda of their own...conflict and tension appear.
Fear is your new best friend.
Now as I look back, I realized the majority of the choices made were good.  BUT...yep another But... fear motivated my life.  I could NOT screw this up!  
So now my daughters have some stories to bring to the show when Dr. Phil invites them to share their angst.  More later...
Gotta go,

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