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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Paper or EBook

Read a great explanation from Connie Brockway on her decision to go ebook next time.  She also gave some insight to the work an author has with a publishing house.  They are all encouraged to market themselves regularily; ie Facebook &Twitter.  Here is her post. 
So to the issue of paper vs ebook.  I say no issue when a reader.  Either is great and has its place.  I love turning pages and like my good friend Lorri love the scent of well-made pages bound into a book.  On the other hand the ease of purchasing an ebook and reading in the dark are benefits as well.
But for authors I now see the incredible benefits of ebooks.  Even Barnes and Noble offer a self-publishing side that they carry.  Pubit!
So...what have you tried?  As an author and as a reader?  
Tra la la,


Lorri Miller said...

ePublishing and eBooks are going to open up the world of publishing to so many creative voices and this can only be a good thing. I can't wait to see your books (notice the plural) pop up on my Amazon marketplace!! ;)

Trish said...

I agree Lorri.
And thanks...I will finish one of them before the end of 2011! Guaranteed.